Is Protein Powder Safe for Diabetics?

Athletes with different fitness goals use protein powder as a supplement. But it can be challenging for people with diabetes to choose a suitable protein powder because their needs are different. Read on to find out what a good sugar-free protein powder for diabetes should have. Most protein powders are fine for people with diabetes to use. Researchers have found that some of these can assist people with type-2 diabetes manage their condition and reducing post-meal blood sugar spikes. But it's best to avoid those with extra sugar, artificial sweeteners, or flavors. This is to keep your blood sugar levels in check, and these ingredients can make your body more insulin and less sensitive to insulin. It's important to know that this article may not talk about your specific condition, the medications you may be taking, or other things that need to be discussed with a doctor. Consult your doctor if you have diabetes and want to utilize protein powder. Benefits of Protein Powd...